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International Cambridge School Curriculum in Singapore: Invictus International School Bukit Timah is a British School following the Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum.

The school offers Key Stage 1 (age 5 to 7 years old), Key Stage 2 (age 7 to 10 years old) and Key Stage 3 (10-12 years old) beginning from August 2024 with Year 9*. There is a healthy emphasis on outstanding academic achievements balanced by nurturing character development for each individual student.

We provide a broad and balanced academic curriculum set in the context of a generous amount of time for games, extra-curricular activities and opportunities for our young learners to develop socially. From Year 3 each subject is taught by Subject Specific Teachers.

*Year 9 will commence from August 2024.

A Typical Week at Invictus Bukit Timah Campus

Our curriculum embeds our school values, skills and knowledge as well as building on traditions and widening pupils’ horizons and experiences. Amazing learning at Invictus International School Bukit Timah begins to take shape for pupils aged 5-13. It is at this stage that pupils learn according to specific subjects while also enjoying extra-curricular activities, benefitting from participating in the broader school community through sports, the arts and other shared areas of interest.

Subjects Taught

  • English

Pupils are taught to read using Sounds-Write, a U.K. accredited phonics scheme, after which focus shifts to their fluency- the speed at which text can be read and absorbed- a key indicator for achievement across the curriculum.

Strong oral scaffolds are gradually removed as pupils are shown how to innovate on model-texts, so that, by the end of primary, they can create their own truly independent narratives in a variety of genres and text-types.

Our school aims to develop reflective writers who leave their school proud of how their language can affect their world, and capable of delighting in authors who help them re-imagine it.

  • Mathematics

Mathematics is more than just the manipulation of numbers and the learning of abstract mathematical concepts. It is the learning of useful problem-solving skills where pupils are challenged to think critically and creatively to solve problems, while reasoning and communicating their ideas to justify their chosen methods of problem-solving. With that in mind, our curriculum is based upon the breadth of the Cambridge syllabus while employing the progressive and conceptual ‘Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract’ approach to teaching Mathematics that is characteristic of Singapore Math. Along with differentiated multi-modal learning to cater to each child’s learning style, our pupils will gain increased confidence in Mathematics through progressive and attainable success, well preparing them with the useful and relevant thinking skills that will carry them through their journey in life.

  • Chinese

The Chinese course at our school outlines the Chinese language learning priorities that focus on learners acquiring functional language use.

Our dual-track system (Standard Chinese and Chinese as a Foreign Language) renders different outcomes in terms of language proficiency and cultural appreciation, with real-life contexts anchored in the course.

Our pupil-centred classroom culture provides learners with opportunities to collaborate with their peers and also develops them to be confident speakers of the language through various presentations.

The Chinese language courses aim to produce listeners, speakers, readers and writers, who are competent in using the Chinese Language appropriately and effectively, for meaningful purposes.

  • Science

Science takes advantage of the facilities on offer at the school. All pupils take part in hands-on experiments and research activities in our two purpose-built laboratories, giving them a practical foundation for their scientific knowledge.

Lessons are designed to foster scientific enquiry and creativity in pupils which allows them to engage with the world around them and understand how it works.

This is achieved through offering pupils with opportunities to develop and evaluate explanations, role modelling the learning process, challenging expectations whilst instilling an ethos of lifelong love of discovery.

The department therefore encourages pupils to learn how knowledge and understanding in science are rooted in evidence whilst discovering how science, technology, environment, society and culture influence each other in a world that is becoming increasingly technologically-driven.

  • History

History gives pupils coherent knowledge and understanding of our past and how that fundamentally affects our present and the future.

Through an enquiry-based, critical approach to the past, pupils can develop perspective and judgement.

  • Geography

Geography is designed to inspire a life-long curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.

Pupils will be equipped with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, encouraging their understanding of the Earth's key physical and human processes.

  • Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is an essential skill for pupils of all ages. The digital world allows us to connect, collaborate, innovate and discover new information on an ever-broadening scale, and pupils will learn to effectively and safely use technology from the very beginning of their educational journey, while being positive contributors to the digital world.

  • Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives develops the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication for our future global citizens. It builds interdisciplinary links across English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Digital Literacy. The skills are taught through a wide range of topics using a personal, local and global perspective.

  • Music

At Invictus International School Bukit Timah we believe in planting creative musical seeds into our students to enable a lifelong enjoyment in music-making.

We promote the value of Broad And Balanced to develop pupils who excel academically and musically. Playing music is a very unique ability and enjoyment which can be fostered through dedication and practice.

We foster the value of Endeavour as pupils work hard towards improving their music skills. Pupils at Invictus International School Bukit Timah explore music as performers, composers and informed listeners to make sense of the world in which they live, appreciating music from different cultures, times and places.

The learning of Music at Invictus International School Bukit Timah encourages inclusive learning where the pupils learn to respect diversity, fostering the value of Appreciating One Another through making music together. Every student has the chance to engage meaningfully so that they might discover their full potential as a creative and practicing musician.

  • Physical Education

Physical Education teaches pupils skills through a wide variety of age-appropriate physical activities including sports and psychomotor learning in a movement or a play setting.

As individuals, they will improve their understanding of concepts, rules, tactics and strategies. Physical Education also contributes to each child's total growth and development and teaches resilience, determination and respect.

  • Art & Creativity

Art & Design Technology gives pupils a platform to express themselves, sparking imagination, creativity and developing transferable skills.

They learn how to articulate personal responses to their experiences, push boundaries and develop creative skills through artistic expression.

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

Personal, social and health education (PSHE) gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It helps pupils understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

  • Phonics (Only for Key Stage 1 Pupils)

After ensuring a safe environment, the teaching of reading and writing is our priority. We do this initially through our phonics programme in KS1. The approach, called Sounds-Write, is highly structured and ruthlessly informed by evidence. Because we are the only school in Singapore to follow this scheme, our strong links with the scheme’s founder has ensured we are developing and improving our approach year on year. All our Key Stage 1 teachers are fully trained along with our Teaching Assistants ensuring pupils receive firm consistent approaches to writing and reading throughout the curriculum. Our experienced educators are proud of our approach because it ensures progress for all pupils, but our investment in a dedicated Phonics Lead along with our reliance on subject-specialists will ensure we keep pace with the world's best practice.